Friday, August 16, 2013

Book Review: Unleash! by Perry Noble

I consider Perry Noble to be my second pastor. I've only been to his church, Newspring, once when I was on vacation to South Carolina, but I've listened to him online for over four years. His teaching is passionate, real and blunt and when a new believer asks what they can do to jump start their growth and learning, going online and listening to his sermons is usually among the first things I mention for them to try.

With that said, I will be adding reading this book, Unleash!: Breaking Free From Normalcy, to my recommendations to new believers. Perry writes exactly like he preaches, straight forward, blunt and honest. It almost reads as if it were a primer on "this is what Christianity really should be like". Without attacking the church to the point of causing a new believer to question whether they've made the right choice, he does call out many of the false notions about what this walk is really all about and, one by one, clarifies how Christians are supposed to think and act. I think this book would especially resonate with Christians who have been hurt by bad churches. It would be a breath of fresh air to them.

Over all, I recommend this book, especially to new believers or believers who are recovering from a bad church experience and need their faith in Christianity restored. It would also be a great book for a mature believer that feels as though they are burning out and need a quick, rejuvenating, refreshingly honest look at the basics and what this walk is really all about. It's not deep, but it's honest, and an honest book is always of value, especially in this genre.

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